My faith was reaffirmed this week in the fact that there actually are some candidates who want the job so much, they’re prepared to go the extra mile to to ensure they’ve got the best possible chance of getting hired, and in todays market if you do want to differentiate yourself then that is what you need to do.
So what did he do? After the first interview, the company was unsure as to whether he was right for the job. SO again what did he do? He turned up at the shop the next day and decided to observe the workers so he could really see what was involved in the job, demonstrating that he wanted to be sure it was the right role for him, but also demonstrating how keen he was.
The company were so impressed, that they called us on the Monday and offered him a second interview, at which point we were able to iron out the initial concerns and he impressed them so much, he then got offered the job!!!
In a world where more candidates are late for interviews than are on time, where more candidates don’t show up than do and where many candidates don’t have that sense of determination and grit to succeed, I give you this excellent example. There are so many jobs out there at the moment crying out for great candidates, can you imagine if more candidates were like this how many people we could place in jobs every day, every week, every month. We also all know there are lots of candidates who do want the opportunity and some of them are a little reluctant to go that extra mile or don’t even know that they need to. Well it’s important you do know that you have to be a cut above the rest in todays market as “the rest” is such a high number now, you need to differentiate yourself and this example shows you it will lead you to success.
Whoever is reading this whether you are a potential candidate, client, or recruiter, it’s knowing and believing there are people like this out there, and if you are a candidate and you can give us everything you have got then you will get that job!