Charlie Ryan says: I do support this on the whole as long as it isn’t compromising on the job. We have some roles in our business which allow a couple of our moms to work from home and work flexibly in general, however there are other roles which I need done from the office and need the 9.00 until 6.00pm attendance.

I think there is a shift in the workplace across a number of our clients, who want quality individuals with experience so they will offer flexible working.

I believe flexible working should be assessed on the need of the job regardless of whether it is a man, a women, a women with children who gets the job. I don’t think the job should be changed just because a mom wants to work flexibly. The output and input of the job should be assessed from all angles, including flexibility, ensuring the market is opened up to applicants who want and need to work flexibly for whatever reason

Original Article: “Flexible working key to getting parents back to work”