We firmly believe that where the product offering is “an individual”, there is only so much we can do to establish validity of the individual’s we screen, meet and put forward. We recommend and work in conjunction with Profile- P who provide a highly respected behavioural assessment tool which looks to the individual to identify for us where they sit on 4 different centres of behavioural traits; Dominance, Influence, Steadiness & Compliance.

This assessment can be used by you as an employer regardless of whether you are working with CMR Recruitment as an agency, other agencies or direct applications and candidates.

At Profile-P we have chosen one type of profile for a particular reason. The parameters set by us were that the profiling tool be:

  • The simplest to put into place and manage on a daily basis.
  • That it should not be used by simply inputting answers to questions into a computer and accepting the output as one hundred percent correct.
  • The tool allows you to position 2nd interview questions, both to validate, reaffirm, or highlight even more, the individuals’ strengths and weaknesses. Know what you are taking on and know how to manage and communicate with that person.
  • That a skilled business manager be involved in all feedback trained to ascertain the accuracy of the profile such that the person being profiled agrees with the report, and that we are in a position to be able to train that manager to give and understand feedback issues in less than a day.
  • That the tool should be able to look at both the job as well as the job holder to ascertain the two are compatible through discussion about specific choices being made by the individual.
  • It should be cost effective from the outset providing both written and verbal support for each profile.
  • It should be time effective requiring no more than fifteen minutes to complete from start to finish.
  • It should be simple to understand without any previous knowledge of psychology.

We have therefore chosen ” the original DISC based system” – one that is more than twenty years old and well proven worldwide, rather than any more recent copy systems all trying to get on the bandwagon of on line reports.

Click here to Complete and Order a DISC Report.

Please be aware the report ordered in this way is only utilised for potential recruits, if you are looking to understand more your current employees please refer to DISC under CMR Consultancy.


We have therefore chosen ” the original DISC based system” – one that is more than twenty years old and well proven worldwide, rather than any more recent copy systems all trying to get on the bandwagon of on line reports.

We do not provide on line reports without support, only on line questionnaires. In the event that anyone attempts to “cheat” the system by getting someone else to fill in a questionnaire for them, this rapidly becomes apparent during feedback.

We often are asked if all DISC systems are the same. This question is normally driven by cost where the potential purchaser wants to receive a report without support from trained specialists.

The answer is that in recent years, many copies have sprung up based on the original but different in their interpretation to get around copy write issues. Some of the later ones offer many choices of reports in smaller format to elicit a greater spend over time.

The choice is always with you – the buyer. We firmly believe that our solution offers the best of both worlds – value for money with back office support to answer all of your questions and offer advice.

Our specialists have completed well over 5000 profiles and been involved with companies of all shapes and sizes from all over the world. That level of support is available to you at the prices we quote from the start – no frills – nothing hidden. SIMPLE.