Disc Profiling
We firmly believe that where the product offering is “an individual”, there is only so much we can do to establish validity of the individual’s we screen, meet and put forward.
We recommend and work in conjunction with Profile- P who provide a highly respected behavioural assessment tool which looks to the individual to identify for us where they sit on 4 different centres of behavioural traits; Dominance, Influence, Steadiness & Compliance.
£50.00 + VAT for the Computer Generated Report
£100.00 + VAT for the Report and a Video Recording where Charlie explains the report in more detail with some suggested questions
£150.00 + VAT for the report, the recording and a booked called with Charlie if you would like to ask her more.
You will find this assessment enlightening for self-development, the job hunting process, identifying your strengths and weaknesses, enhancing your success in every day relationships.
At Profile-P we have chosen one type of profile for a particular reason. The parameters set by us were that the profiling tool be:
We have therefore chosen ” the original DISC based system” – one that is more than twenty years old and well proven worldwide, rather than any more recent copy systems all trying to get on the bandwagon of on line reports.Click here to learn more about the Original DISC based system
Click here to find out more about CMR DISC Consultancy.
Give us a call today on 0800 380 0791
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