
Work Experience, Holiday Work and Part-Time Work

How valuable are these and how can you optimize on them? It is extremely common for Work Experience to come up at school and everyone groan – “just one more thing to think about and organise”. Often it is left to the last minute and a desperate, eleventh hour favour dragged from someone who really […]

BUSINESS ETIQUETTE: What Does It Really Mean?

School Leaver? Graduate? How ready are you to meet today’s employer expectations? It is disappointing that, with so many opportunities and hunger in the market to work, that individuals are falling at the first hurdle, with their lack of understanding of what an employer needs – or expects – with general behaviour or “Business Etiquette”. […]

CVs – are they just a piece of paper?

With colleges and schools coming to the year end, this is a challenging time for students to make future decisions. For free help, advice, tips & tricks on job hunting, CV writing and interview techniques, please visit The Recruitment Queen website –

Well Done Watford Job Fair 2016 – Rachel Fowler, The Recruitment Queen

The 5th Watford Job Fair was held on 30th June 2016 at The Langley. I have to say well done for the organisation and the companies who attended – an impressive turnout. I attended to view the event as a company who work in the field of recruitment and the development of young people to […]

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